pp108 : Publish Task (Deprecated)

Publish Task (Deprecated)

SOAP Request

This Web service operation is used to publish a task to run time task repository.

<PublishTask xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/designtime/">
            <Task id="GUID of task " name="name of task" type="UI_TASK" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/">
                <Description>description about the task</Description>
                    <!-- Contains name-value pairs describing the properties of a task -->
                    <Property name="showOnStartPage" value="true"/>
                    <!-- The input required for execution of task.
               e.g.: The <data/> required for launching an application -->
                    <!-- The output generated by execution of task -->
                    <!-- The information required for launching of a task -->
                    <Application display="visible">
                        <url>Url of the application</url>
                        <icon>url of the icon</icon>
                            height="%/px" left="%/px" top="%/px" width="%/px">main</frame>
                    <TaskPart id="id of taskpart" name="name of task part">
                        <Description>taskpart description</Description>
                    <TaskPart id="id of taskpart" name="name of task part">
                        <Description>taskpart description</Description>
                    <Task id="unique id of the task" name="name of task"/>
                    <Task id="unique id of the task" name="name of task"/>
                    <ACObjectTree context="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/ldap"/>

Request Parameters



Data Type

Accepted Input Values


An activity that is part of the Task.

  • id: unique id of the task part
  • name: name of the task part


Contains ACL ObjectTree which defines the security settings for a task.

context: Specifies the namespace for which these security settings are applicable. This is an optional attribute.

SOAP Response

<PublishTaskResponse xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/designtime/">
            <Task id="GUID of task" name="name of task" type="UI_TASK" xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/task/1.0/">.....</Task>

Response Parameters




Provides the task details on the basis of input values.